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Uber is involved in espionage, surveillance and theft of software codes 2018

Uber is involved in espionage, surveillance and theft of software codes 2018

Richard Jaobs was director of global intelligence and research at Ober in the era of the former CEO before being sacked at the beginning of 2017. But this did not spare him from having to testify in court, resulting in a major moral scandal that would affect . It would have been worse for Ober if the report had been correct.

The lawyer, "Jobs" published charges of his client, which was provided at the beginning. On the espionage carried out by the company against some of its passengers while they were in cars. Not only that, but the company employed experts in this area to monitor some of the characters while in public places with tapping their calls and transfer their pictures and videos of their own immediately to the former CEO who was in a room known as the War Room War Room, Located in it.

The company has used a lot of practices to steal code from competing companies using cryptographic instant messaging programs that have no impact, and therefore breakthroughs can never be linked to Ober's employees. The company also illegally stole trade secrets of competitors to prevent them from outperforming them, and those practices affected some of the drivers, whose data and conversations were up to the company.

The company was also involved in bribes. To some government agencies. It also employed a group of secret agents trained to monitor the reactions of some officials to important events. In an incident reported in the report, the company monitored the reactions of some officials when it announced that it had received an investment of $ 3.4 billion from entities in Saudi Arabia.

These groups and divisions worked directly with former CEO Travis Kalanick, who quit his job and faced a wide range of issues at the moment, including sexual harassment and abuse of employees.
The company's new chief executive said after the letter that Ober confirmed the claims to be true. But the company under the leadership of the new administration intends to change and walk in a way other than the current, which needs more time of course. It should be noted here that these problems are in limbo, and Ober's legal problems with Waimo are in other hands, especially with more evidence of their involvement in the theft of Lidar optical sensor designs, used in self-driving cars.

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