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شركة Opera تغير اسمها بعد بيع قطاع المتصفح2018

شركة Opera تغير اسمها بعد بيع قطاع المتصفح2018

Last year, Norwegian Opera sold its browser sector to a group of Chinese investors for $ 600 million. Among the necessary legal measures, the company changed its name because the alliance acquired the rights to use the name as well.

The Norwegian company changed its name from Opera Software ASA to Otello Corporation to distinguish the rest of the company's products and services from the recently sold part of a Chinese investment fund that includes several companies, including Qihoo 360, known as the 360 ​​Secure Browser in China.

The acquisition included Opera's browser on smartphones and personal computers, as well as Opera, and in order to prevent confusion between the retail sector and the core company itself, the company's name had to be changed. This means that the Opera browser will remain as it is, but will change the name of the owner company previously.

Norwegian Opera owns the addition of its famous browser AdMarvel, AdColony and Bemobi, as well as gaming and communications services.

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