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تويتر تغلق حسابات مناهضة للإسلام 2018

تويتر تغلق حسابات مناهضة للإسلام 2018

A new campaign launched by Twitter to fight hatred, where a collection of anti-Islamic accounts was closed and US President Donald Trump republished some of its publications.

One of the closed accounts had posted a controversial video showing a teenager thrown from the top floor, and many criticisms were made to Twitter for not deleting the tweeter containing the clip, but now that the entire account has been deleted, the video is no longer accessible.

The campaign included the removal of accounts of charities and institutions that support extremism and spread hateful antithesis to religions or ethnic groups such as Britain First, both the main account and the accounts of its personalities. YouTube has already done something similar and shut down the channels of some characters to incite violence and hatred.

Twitter today published additional details about its hate speech policy as it will close accounts linked to the publication of content that promotes violence against civilians even if it is outside Twitter on the ground, as well as accounts that support violence and hatred by others.

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