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هاكر عراقي يخترق موقع دونالد ترامب 2017

An Iraqi hacker penetrates Donald Trump 's website 2017

The site of US President Donald Trump is a breakthrough in which the hacker left a message that he is from Iraq.

What actually happened was that the hosting server for the campaign funded by the election president was hacked, specifically the secure2.donaldjtrump.com page whose contents were scanned and modified as shown in the image above.

By analyzing the source of the page, a JavaScript file for an inactive account was found on the Google Code service called masterendi, which is related to the hacking of at least three other sites. But the file is harmless and harmful but only the effects of snowfall, as you know this method of proof of penetration was old.

After hacking the server was disconnected from work in a way that does not affect the home page of the site where it continues to work as usual but the hacked page has become out of service.

The hacker signed a signature in the name of Pro_Mast3r, which is apparently not currently famous with a message of peace from Iraq and that nothing is impossible, especially as he managed to penetrate the site server financing the US President's campaign and amend it.

تعرض موقع الرئيس الأمريكي دونالد ترامب لعملية اختراق ترك فيها الهاكر الرسالة تفيد بأنه من العراق.
ما حصل فعلياً أن المخدم المستضيف للموقع بالخاص بتمويل حملة الرئيس الإنتخابية تعرض للإختراق، وبالتحديد الصفحة secure2.donaldjtrump.com التي تم مسح محتواها وتعديله كما هو ظاهر في الصورة أعلاه.
بتحليل مصدر الصفحة عثر على ملف جافا سكربت خاص بحساب غير نشط على خدمة Google Code يدعى masterendi متعلق باختراق ثلاثة مواقع أخرى على الأقل. لكن الملف غير مؤذي وضار إنما فقط مؤثرات تساقط ثلوج، كما تعلمون هذا الأسلوب من صفحات إثبات الاختراق كان رائجاً قديماً.
وبعد اختراق المخدم تم فصله عن العمل بطريقة لاتؤثر على الصفحة الرئيسية للموقع حيث استمرت تعمل كما هو معتاد لكن الصفحة المخترقة أصبحت خارج الخدمة.
ووضع الهاكر توقيع بإسم Pro_Mast3r وهو على مايبدو غير شهير حالياً مع رسالة سلام من العراق وأنه لا شيء مستحيل خاصة أنه تمكن من اختراق مخدم موقع تمويل حملة الرئيس الأمريكي والتعديل عليها.
The site of US President Donald Trump is a breakthrough in which the hacker left a message that he is from Iraq.

What actually happened was that the hosting server for the campaign funded by the election president was hacked, specifically the secure2.donaldjtrump.com page whose contents were scanned and modified as shown in the image above.

By analyzing the source of the page, a JavaScript file for an inactive account was found on the Google Code service called masterendi, which is related to the hacking of at least three other sites. But the file is harmless and harmful but only the effects of snowfall, as you know this method of proof of penetration was old.

After hacking the server was disconnected from work in a way that does not affect the home page of the site where it continues to work as usual but the hacked page has become out of service.

The hacker signed a signature in the name of Pro_Mast3r, which is apparently not currently famous with a message of peace from Iraq and that nothing is impossible, especially as he managed to penetrate the site server financing the US President's campaign and amend it.

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